Positivity: Getting Through the Bad Days
The inspiration for this blog came in the middle of an anxiety "crash". A crash for me means that I've been cruising through life quite smoothly with just the occasional wobble until suddenly, everything crashes. I wake up shaking, feeling incredibly anxious, unable to eat, and throwing up what I do eat... Pretty grim stuff! However, even when things are really rough, I still find I can be positive, and I feel like positivity is pretty key for one's first blog post, right? So even though I have no idea what I'm doing with the whole blogging thing yet, my main goal is to share that positivity with all of you. So here here we go...
Having a bad day? Everyone goes through bad patches sometimes - it's just one of life's necessary evils. What gets me through is perspective. It doesn't matter whether you've found yourself being violently ill before your first lecture of the day as I did, going through a break up, or just finding life difficult in general. The most important thing to remember is that this feeling of impending doom is temporary; it's not for the rest of your life. That's the first step. The next step is to remember the good days because not every day is going to be bad. I know I certainly have better days than others during the hard times. I might even have a whole string of good days before coming back down again, and that's ok. The key is to remember the good days on the days when you feel awful. I like to look at photos of happy memories to help along with this. I'll share some at the end.
The final step is optimism. Ok, so I might have thrown up three times and only managed to eat an apple but hey, I went to all my classes AND my eyeliner stayed intact! I find that even when the day has been horrendous, there's always something to feel positive about, even if it's just a small thing like eyeliner! And even though bad days are pretty rubbish, they're still only 24 hours long!
Chin up!
Sarah xxx
P.S. Music is a huge part of my life so I'm going to suggest a good track for each blog post. Today's track to get you feeling positive is "Send Me On My Way" by 'Rusted Root'
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