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Reasons to Get Out of Bed

I’ve been there. I’ve heard my alarm go off and thought “Oh God, I honestly cannot face the world today.” Staying in bed and hiding seems to be your only option, there’s no reason to get out of bed anyway, no one will notice your absence, everyone hates you anyway… Sound familiar? Thinking these thoughts as you’re reading this? Stop. Here’s what I tell myself when I feel like this and we’ll do it together:

Take a deep breath, say “I can do this.” and get out of bed. The first hurdle is over.

Start by making your bed. It’s a small task but I always think, if I can do this task, I can do another task. Getting through little tasks one at a time is easy, and before you know it, you’ve done the day.

Now, make some breakfast. I struggle with this when I feel down so if food is too much, a big glass of water. Now you’re hydrated. Think “if I stayed in bed, I would become dehydrated and that would make me feel even worse than I already do.”

Next, if applicable, take your medication. It’s there to help you. I find that things tend to get easier to handle if I literally just drag myself out of bed to take my medication and, now I’m out of bed, I might as well stay out!

Have a shower. Staying in bed means not washing. Not washing means being grimy and miserable. Do you want to be grimy and miserable? I didn’t think so. Try using your favourite shower gel to make you feel good.

Choose something nice to wear. If you look good, you’ll feel good, trust me. Staying in bed means you can’t show the world your favourite jumper, and I’d definitely see that as a negative.

If you wear makeup, put on that war paint. You are a warrior taking on the battle we call life. Fighting is tiring, yes, but it’s better than giving up (aka, staying in bed).

Now it’s time to go outside. This is the second hurdle. But by this point, we’ve accomplished all the small tasks of getting ready. I always have at least one thing I need to do during the day, even if it’s just going to the shop. This task might feel monumental but it gives me a purpose. This purpose is one good reason to get up and go outside but hey, I’ll give a few more.

Going outside means you’ll see what the weather’s like. You’re British (probably) so knowing what the weather is doing is pretty much fundamental to any British day. If you stay in, you’re not doing your duty as a Brit, my friend! If it’s sunny, great! That should lighten your mood. If it’s raining, never mind! You have an excuse to be miserable (but not to stay in bed).

Going outside means seeing people. Even if seeing people is the last thing I feel like doing, I always feel better for it. Seeing people is a reminder that you’re not a three headed monster, people don’t hate you, you have a right to be on this planet just as much as anyone else.

Going outside means you’ve achieved something. If you stay in bed, you haven’t achieved anything. You can do it.

So, deep breaths… “I can do this…”

Lots of love,

Sarah xxx

Today's track: Corinne Bailey Rae, 'Put Your Records On'

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I'm a 23 year old sociology graduate at the University of Edinburgh, now studying Counselling.


 I suffer with anxiety and started this blog to spread the message that you are not alone xx

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