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What I Got Up to During Mental Health and Wellbeing Week


As promised, I am writing about what I got up to last week. As I sat down to write this I admit that I was questioning the point of the post as it is now Thursday (it may be Friday when I put this up but it's Thursday as I'm typing this!) but then I thought that I had worked really hard on looking after my mental health last week so it might be good for me to read in the future when I'm feeling a bit frazzled.


I started the week feeling very stressed as I had a deadline due a 2pm on Monday afternoon. I really hadn't prepared myself very well and had spent 8 hours in the library on both Saturday and Sunday before the essay was due. This taught me that isolation is really not very good for me as the long library hours meant that I hadn't seen anyone and I was feeling very sorry for myself! Luckily, I got the essay handed in on time so I could start to focus on other things. I spent Monday afternoon and evening taking some time out. I watched a film ('The Circle' on Netflix starring Emma Watson - quite good but the ending is rubbish!), had a nap, and took some time to just chill after using my brain for so long. This meant that I was totally refreshed for Tuesday.


I woke up feeling human again and was actually awake during my 9am lecture! I then had a gentle stroll through the Meadows taking some artsy photos for my Edinburgh blog - admittedly getting a few funny looks as it was only 10am! Tuesday lectures passed with no event but my evening had something a little bit different... Synchronised trampolining to raise money for Mental Health support in Sport! I'd never done synchronised trampolining before so I signed up for the novice routine (a level below my competition level). I was partnered up with my friend Sophie and I honestly haven't laughed so much at a training session in such a long time. Technique went completely out the window so my unpointed toes were about a mile apart, but I think that only added to the fun! Needless to say, we didn't win, but we did land at the same time, so that's a plus!


Wednesday was nice and social for me, and a real reminder to take the time to meet with friends more often. I started the day by going for coffee with my first year flatmate, Kat. This was particularly nice as she'd actually messaged me after reading my blog so talking about things is clearly the way forward! After that, I met up with my friend Charlie for lunch. This was mainly to say goodbye as he is saying farewell to Edinburgh and beginning his musical journey at Music College. All the best to Charlie if he's reading this! I then took some time to myself to have a wander around the museum and generally watch the world go by... I always find that taking the time to clear my head is nice, especially after seeing people.

I then had a check up with the GP which felt very positive. I told her that I was no longer taking my medication regularly, and that I was feeling a lot better. However, if you're as faithful to my blogs as my mum is, you'll know that this week was a bit of a dip. But that doesn't stop the GP visit from being positive, I suppose this just goes to show that there are always going to be bumps in the road.

The evening consisted of a Renaissance choir rehearsal followed by a trip to the pub. This will always cheer me up, I've found. They are such a lovely bunch of people and I cannot wait to go on tour to Greece with them!


On Thursday, my main thing was the Mindfulness Meditation session at 1:10 in the Chaplaincy. It was so lovely to see some new faces come along, especially as they said they'd come along because they'd read about it in my blog! They all said they had a good time and I definitely saw a couple at this week's session. Do come along if you're a new reader (or a regular!). On Thursday evening, I went out to an opera social with my flatmate but ended up watching 'Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging' in the living room whilst drinking vodka. Needless to say, having been on an alcohol break for over a month, I got rather drunk by accident! However, it was a good laugh so the hangover in my 10am tutorial was worth it!


Friday was mostly spent feeling sorry for myself from the night before! However, I did spend some time replying to some of your lovely messages over a cup of tea in the Chaplaincy. All in all, a good week.

This week also showed how much I value your feedback. It's so lovely to hear that something I've written has helped you, or made you smile so do feel free to drop me a message, hit the like button on the bottom of this page, or share with your friends. I'm very excited, and humbled actually that I'm slowly creating a little "All In Your Head" community so, even though I'm feeling a little bit panicky whilst writing this, being able to write this is a blessing!

Lots of Love,

Sarah xxx

Today's Track: Fitz and The Tantrums, 'The Walker'


I'm a 23 year old sociology graduate at the University of Edinburgh, now studying Counselling.


 I suffer with anxiety and started this blog to spread the message that you are not alone xx

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