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Dear God, Make it Stop!!!


Yes, it's two days since the last one - or is it three? I don't know but anyway, I'm stressed up to my eyeballs, just had a panic attack so I am sat with a cup of tea in the chaplaincy (obviously) trying to remain calm so, congratulations whoever you are, you are receiving the stressed brain waves of a University of Edinburgh student, lucky you!

By the way, this is totally not structured or planned so I do apologise if it makes no sense. So what's going on? Well, I have a sociology take home paper due on 7th December that I'm currently wading through but it's actually going pretty smoothly now I think about it... I'm on my 5th reading for the first half of it and that should all be done by Saturday so I can do the second half on capitalism (oh joy!). But I guess this is great news for my PT (he reads all my blogs) to know that I'm not completely stupid and actually understand my degree subject! But if you don't understand your degree topic, CHILL, there's honestly more to life than academic readings, there are always resits, and failing is just an event, you're not a failure. But who am I to tell you that? I don't actually know anything, people just seem to enjoy my ramblings haha!

What else? Well, we have workmen coming into my flat pretty much every day without any announcement and sometimes they don't even knock... So that's absolutely FANTASTIC *heavy sarcasm*. Oh, and the wifi has broken in the flat for some unknown reason and, as much as I try, I can't fix it. And apparently, we're getting a new fridge but of course we have no idea when so that's fun too. And we'll be having a new flatmate moving in on 6th December and I feel terrible because I have literally no time with all this work (did I mention a 3000 word essay due 6 days after this paper) so Sam, if you're reading this, I'm really sorry in advance for being crappy! I'm also still doing a stupid amount of music. In fact, I have a memorial service this afternoon, carolling on Saturday that I didn't really sign up for or have time for, a carol service in St Giles on Sunday, and then a concert in the National Museum of Scotland of the 10th December.

Yes, yes, I know, it's still all very exciting, I don't have long left, at least I get to go home a week before my last exam (20th December) but honestly? I am so done. I want to go home now. I hate everything and everyone and I've just had enough.

I realise that this is a very stroppy post but I reckon that a lot of people feel the same way and to be honest, I think we're all perfectly justified in feeling like this. Edinburgh starts earlier and finishes later than a lot of universities, and we don't have a reading week either! I suppose it's obvious from the tone of my posts that I'm completely exhausted BUT I do have some rules for myself.

1. I don't work in the evenings. The evening has to be time off for me.

2. I'm not going to stop blogging just because I have work to do because I enjoy it, and I don't think we should stop ourselves from doing what we enjoy.

3. I make sure to eat. Eating properly helps with the exhaustion.

4. I drink plenty of water. I guess this is partly because I actually can't drink coffee and I find that the hydration makes me feel more awake.

5. I still see people. This is so important because isolation is just miserable for everyone. Meet up with your friends, even for half an hour - you'll feel much better!

As always, I feel a bit better having written it all down and I hope it was somewhat relatable if nothing else. Do subscribe to my mailing list etc... Oh, and because I get over 60 hits per post, I have no idea who's reading so if you spot me around campus, do feel free to say hello, I'd love to know who's reading! But, obviously you don't have to!

I'll shut up now!

Lots of Love,

Sarah xxx

Today's Track: Passenger "I Hate" - great rant song, and quite funny too!


I'm a 23 year old sociology graduate at the University of Edinburgh, now studying Counselling.


 I suffer with anxiety and started this blog to spread the message that you are not alone xx

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