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February Thoughts


It is now February! I must admit, January did seem to go on for about 5 years but I'm also still slightly stunned that we're in the second month of 2018! I said at the start of the year that I wanted to say well done to myself more this year as one of my resolutions so I have decided that I will dedicate a post to that at the start of each month - sort of like a monthly favourites if you're part of the fashion and beauty community! I actually did a lot of things in January but I think we'll start off with blogging.

January was my best month so far for site views, sailing past November, and absolutely trouncing December. This was very exciting for me, but also quite scary. When you look at the number 100 (as an example of one post) on paper, it doesn't seem very much, but when I think of reading one of my posts to 100 actual humans, that seems like a fair few, especially so early on. So, I guess that's the first well done. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and supporting, it really does mean a lot. Now to do it all over again (eek!).

On a similar tangent, I put the blog on Instagram! Instagram was something that I never thought I'd get on board with - I just didn't think anyone would be interested. Now, I still find the whole concept a little odd, still don't understand why we have to tell 200+ people what we had for breakfast, but I can't deny that I have gained a few more readers from that platform. Again, if you found me on Instagram/follow me/like my posts, thank you so much! I hope my photos are satisfactory.

In the month of January, I also gained a few more members of university staff to my support circle, some of whom are bloggers themselves (well done once again to Geoffrey, the Anglican chaplain on the new colouring book! You can find his blog here.). With new university connections came new outside connections as well. I can't say much about it yet but it's all quite exciting.

Outside of blogging, I reached one year with Joe, and I honestly believe that the relief of that milestone has made us stronger as a couple. Joe's not too present on social media but if you've been enjoying the snaps of me around Edinburgh, he's the man behind the lens!

I think I should also congratulate myself for having the courage to put myself first and leave Edinburgh Studio Opera as something really did have to give. I managed to accept that illness is not a weakness, and it's much stronger to admit when something isn't right. In leaving, I prevented a spell in hospital and the potential for needing a break from uni. I have learnt (thankfully, the easy way) that I am in control of my anxiety, not the other way around. I do look forward to watching the rest of the cast perform at the end of this month.

Another thing I'm proud of is allowing myself to go on a couple of nights out/parties, to get a bit drunk, and actually enjoy doing it. I should also mention that whilst I did have hangovers from all of these, they didn't cause me to plummet into a complete state of panic. This doesn't sound like much at all but after last semester, a time when I felt horribly anxious after a night out, and also a time where I didn't allow myself to drink at all for a very long time, it was a huge breakthrough. I know that getting drunk isn't usually something one feels proud of but the worst thing about having anxiety for me is the feeling of being abnormal. Being able to join in with everyone else made me feel like I was completely normal again, and it was great.

I have also included a very hungover one for your enjoyment after a social for the Scottish Student Trampolining Open. What can I say? The sports hall can be a very bright place!

Lastly, I competed in my first trampolining competition of second year. It wasn't the best as I hadn't been training properly for months due to opera rehearsals, and I fell over in my second routine, but I had fun doing it, and loved having my team around me again. I'm seeing it as a starting point to get back into my sport, and hopefully get better results in the next competition!

I think that's about it but I just want to reiterate how valuable your support is for me. Thank you for every read, like, and share, and hope you find my ramblings helpful or relatable and here's to another month!

Lots of Love,

Sarah xxx


I'm a 23 year old sociology graduate at the University of Edinburgh, now studying Counselling.


 I suffer with anxiety and started this blog to spread the message that you are not alone xx

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