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Time to Stop


So it's now reading week for me and everything seems to have caught up with me so I'm ill again and feeling very sorry for myself. I also have two assignments due next Monday at exactly the same time which feels most unfair! I really wasn't sure what to write about as I'm feeling too thick headed to write about anything deep and meaningful but then I thought that knowing when it's time to stop working and take a break is actually very important. In fact, knowing when to take a minute to breathe in everyday life is important.

A lot of the time, I'm running around like a headless chicken constantly thinking what the next thing I have to do is, how quickly I can eat something and be out the door, how many readings I can fit into one day (it's always less than I predict!), and how I can manage to be there for my friends. When I'm this busy I often forget to take a minute to stop, or even to have a proper break. When I do, I can feel so tired, and sometimes, just a little bit lightheaded.

One rule I try to stick to when I'm working is to completely stop for the day if my brain starts to feel fried; I put everything away and leave it until the next day. We often feel very worried about not finishing whatever it is we're doing if we leave the rest until tomorrow but actually, I've found that I work better that way because I don't burn out. I promise the world is not going to implode if you have a break.

That's kind of all I wanted to say today to be honest. I know it's a bit short and sweet but maybe just see this post as a little reminder that it's not bad to take breaks. You will get it all done.

Also, if you wanted a film recommendation for your 'down time', I'd recommend 'Handsome Devil' on Netflix. It's an easy watch, Irish, and very wholesome if you're looking for a nice 'feel good' film. Feel free to let me know if you checked it out!

Thank you for your continued support, it means a lot.

Lots of Love,

Sarah xxx


I'm a 23 year old sociology graduate at the University of Edinburgh, now studying Counselling.


 I suffer with anxiety and started this blog to spread the message that you are not alone xx

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