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Snow Day Chats


Today's post is going to be something a little bit different because honestly, I just want to chat to you all. Snow has meant that I've been inside with my thoughts a lot of the time (aside from sledging on Arthurs Seat!) so where better to share those thoughts than with you lot.

This week at uni has been so weird. I've only had one lecture because of strikes and then the whole university closed due to snow but that meant that I had loads of time to get on with a history essay that I had got an extension on. I haven't officially written it yet (it's due on Monday) but I'll get that done this afternoon and it's actually been so nice to be able to take my time with an assignment because normally it's some crazy, anxiety fuelled, two day writing extravaganza but this time, it's been chill. On the subject of university, although I've basically had no university, this week has really reminded me of why I came to Edinburgh. I love living here. I have great friends here and I am valued here.

A few things brought me to that conclusion. The first was Monday. On Mondays, I've been going to chaplaincy meetings on taking life slowly, relaxation, and just general non academic life. I was invited to these because of this blog and am being introduced to all sorts of cool people because I decided to do this and for me, that's mad. Half the time I sit here typing thinking that I don't have a bloody clue what I'm doing but honestly, that doesn't seem to matter. I have people who seem to like what I write and that's what motivates me. On Monday evening, I went along to my friend Iona's poetry slam because it was the first one she'd ever done and I thought I'd surprise her. She did so well, I had a lovely time and it was great to be able to just sit and support and be appreciated. I think that's all anyone wants out of life; to be appreciated. But anyway, because I made that little bit of effort, I get to go to the literary society 'Great Gatsby' ball on 21st March with her and I'm so excited - I mean, I'm such a little girl when it comes to anything sparkly!! Make an effort with your friends, guys, it's so important.

The next thing that got me feeling positive was seeing my flat for next year. I'm moving in with Victoria and her flatmate Lindsey, and hopefully (fingers crossed he gets in for postgrad!!!!) Fraser. I've struggled with my flat this year because it's so dark and gloomy but next year, there are so many windows and it's going to be light and I will be able to see the sea from my bedroom window. In fact, as soon as I walked in, I was able to picture where I would put things. I'm so relieved it's worked out as this year has been terrible for anxiety and hopefully next year, I'll be able to blog about how I got through it but anyway that was a thing that happened!

The last thing that got me thinking "man, I love Edinburgh" was going sledging on Arthur's Seat with my flatmates and their friends.

It was lovely to see everyone let go, have fun, and genuinely smile. I think these photos will be very precious to me for years to come.

Now, I know that this has been kind of an "Isn't life wonderful" blog so far (and it is) but I completely appreciate feeling frustrated and trapped in the house. I know I certainly do at this point so, let me tell you about some films/programmes/foods/music that I have been loving in my flat.


I think that rather than rambling on and on about why these programmes/films are great, I'm just going to list them so you have some titles to try with no expectations. Let me know which ones you enjoyed by either commenting on Instagram, Facebook, or by message!

1. The Crown

2. Atypical

3. Gold (with Maisie Williams)

4. Handsome Devil

5. What We Did On Our Holiday

6. Love, Rosie

7. To The Bone

8. Love, Nina

9. The Circle

10. Victoria

11. Toast

12. Anonymous (if you're into Shakespeare)

13. The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

14. The Iron Lady (this may irritate you if you're a staunch lefty like me!)

15. Gavin and Stacey (just because I always come back to it)

I'm not going to do a whole section on music but I've been really enjoying listening to fiddle reels and jigs to study to because it makes me smile and feel more positive about working.

And, to wrap up, I just wanted to mention that the Uncle Ben's rice packets are amazing to stock up on in the snow because you get a flavourful addition to your meal without running low on all your ingredients.

If you've stuck around this long, thank you so much!

I hope you enjoyed my ramblings,

Stay warm and safe!

Lots of Love,

Sarah xxx


I'm a 23 year old sociology graduate at the University of Edinburgh, now studying Counselling.


 I suffer with anxiety and started this blog to spread the message that you are not alone xx

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