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April Thoughts


So it would seem that we're into April now (can someone let the weather know?) so it's time to share what went well in March. I actually really enjoy doing these posts and you guys seem to like them so I'm going to keep it going.

March was a difficult month. We started off with all the snow, and carried on with 4 weeks of strike action so there were a lot of challenges. So, I suppose the first good thing is that I didn't go insane during those four weeks. I managed to do my assignments without really knowing how, and so far, I still passed with reasonable marks. I've decided to aim for reasonable marks this semester rather than amazing because there was so much disruption to classes and teaching that it's unsurprising if I didn't do as well. If you're in the same boat as me on this, don't sweat over your marks this time, if you did your best in the situation, that's all you can do.

Secondly, I got back into the groove with trampolining and did my absolute best at our competition in St Andrews. I will also mention that I decided to take control of my nerves that day, and I took some of my anxiety medication so that I could perform without the anxiety. It turns out, it's much easier to bounce when your knees aren't shaking! That day was a victory anxiety wise as I remembered that I am the one in control and anxiety doesn't need to control me. Overall, very happy with the result and there was a really lovely picture taken of myself and my friend Michael after we'd both competed and both done our best.

Thirdly, I acknowledged and opened up about my anxiety surrounding food. This was a big step for me and I got a fantastic response that made me feel far less alone. Things have become a little bit easier on that ground and I'm proud to say that I managed to eat in the main living room with other people in my flat one evening last week and I had my friend Lizzie over last night for pizza and films and I wasn't worried at all. So, we're making progress!

I also sang my biggest solos yet with the music society chorus, which I was very nervous about but it went really well. I had enjoyed singing Hadyn's 'The Creation' a hell of a lot because it's such a playful piece and I'm so glad I didn't completely fluff it! This was especially nice as my mum came up to watch and it was the first time she'd seen the chorus. And, I managed to have a photo taken of me singing where I don't have the most terrifying death stare going on for once!

A fifth thing was that we have finally sorted out who's living in the flat for next year! I'm happy to say that Matt from trampolining will be joining myself, Victoria, and Lindsay in September. All that's left is for all the documentation to be handed in and deposits to be paid. Flat arrangements have got to be the most stressful things you go through at university and literally no-one tells you about it! It's such a relief to finally have it sorted!

One thing I was hesitant to mention is that March was very tough on the whole long distance side of things. I was getting very paranoid about everything because of the disruption up here, and Joe was working very hard and being a bit too exhausted at the end of the day to speak about anything serious. It was difficult but luckily we muddled through and ended on a high exploring Falkirk and Edinburgh. My advice to other long distance couples would be to just have some perspective on what's going on on either side. If you're both stressed out and busy, things might not feel so good but with a little bit of patience, things can work out.

And last, but by no means least, I was elected Social Secretary for the Renaissance Singers so I'm very excited to start party planning! Plus, I've worked out that my 21st birthday falls on a choir night so given my position, I can literally force them to celebrate my birthday! I know that sounds bratty but to give you some context, I would normally skip rehearsal to celebrate my birthday but it's nice to know that I can make both work!

Now to get on with April! I hope you all have a great month and find some things to feel good about. As always, don't hesitate to get in touch, I love hearing your thoughts.

Lots of Love,

Sarah xxx


I'm a 23 year old sociology graduate at the University of Edinburgh, now studying Counselling.


 I suffer with anxiety and started this blog to spread the message that you are not alone xx

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