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Flight Anxiety and Other Things


So as you probably know if you've been keeping up to date, I'm flying to Greece tomorrow for the tour with the Renaissance Singers. I must admit, I'm feeling very nervous - probably not aided by being alone at my boyfriend's house (he's at work) - because I find flying very difficult. In fact, I nearly pulled out of the tour because I was so frightened of flying there. I got around that by arranging to fly up to Edinburgh from Birmingham so I could fly to Greece from Edinburgh with the others. I'm still glad I did this as it means I'm not going to end up in Greece by myself but it does mean I've given myself two flights to worry about, meaning I'll have to transfer bags from one flight to the next (help!).

Flight anxiety is incredibly common so I know I'm not an oddity in that respect but that doesn't stop the words "5 hours on planes" from whirling around my head. I've found it very hard to sleep over the past week because of it and I know I'll probably need my anxiety meds to get through tomorrow. Wish me luck and I'll let you know how it went once I'm back in the UK.

Perhaps because I've been so worked up about flying, I've started worrying about everything else. And some of it is mind blowingly ridiculous but hey, that's anxiety. Things like what if I get stuck in some Greek town and I can never get home, or what if I don't manage to eat anything, or what if I forget something stupid and everyone laughs... the list is endless but I have to remind myself that this is a group trip and it's highly unlikely that I'll ever be left alone! Chances are we'll all eat together and everyone forgets things. It won't be a disaster.

To be honest, I get this worked up before every holiday I go on. Joe and I went on a road trip around Ireland last summer and the night before I managed to get into a state about walking trousers... yep... walking trousers. I think it's because I'm going somewhere unfamiliar so things are a little bit out of control. It's perfectly natural to feel that way and things are never as bad as they seem, I promise!

Now, I really don't know how much WiFi I'm going to have so I'll write a post this evening and schedule it for next Wednesday so you'll definitely have something to read!

Off to Greece we go!

Lots of Love,

Sarah xxx


I'm a 23 year old sociology graduate at the University of Edinburgh, now studying Counselling.


 I suffer with anxiety and started this blog to spread the message that you are not alone xx

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