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June Thoughts


We are admittedly quite a long way into June but I didn't do one of these last month so I'm doing a double bill of what went well in the previous months. If you're new, I said at the start of the year that I'd write about all the things that went well in each month as I think it's important to remember positives with mental health issues. It could be a long one as I'm feeling pretty positive this week. Last week's anxiety has subsided, I've started a new job and whilst I'm rather sunburnt, I'm feeling pretty good.

So, let's start with April. I know, that sounds like forever ago! But it has genuinely only been 2 months. I guess the main good thing was that I secured a new flat for the next academic year. This time, I know I get on with my flatmates, it has hot water in all the taps, and there's loads of natural light - hallelujah! That said, I also didn't fall out with the flatmates I was living with at the time just because I'd got a new place. I've noticed at uni that that sort of thing tends to happen a lot and I must say that staying amicable right until the end is the best way to go.

The other big thing in April was Renaissance choir tour. I went feeling a little apprehensive despite being newly elected onto the committee but honestly, I had one of the best weeks of my life. Anxiety wasn't a problem and I managed to let my hair down and just have fun. I would truly recommend taking a full week off before exams to anyone as I was able to come back to the desk feeling refreshed and able to concentrate again once I'd come back.

I suppose I could add featuring the bikini shots as a brave thing to do! Many thanks to Conrad for the photography!

All in all, April ran pretty smoothly and had I done one of these blogs in May, I would probably have been able to remember more things but alas, you are stuck with this!

Moving onto May...

Uni-wise, I got through both exams without any severe meltdowns and I successfully moved out of the flat. Hooray for being free of the cave!!

Although the main thing I really should mention is finally seeing the specialist in pseudo-syncope and being cleared for driving lessons! For further details, see the linked post.

I then went on a successful and argument free road trip around Scotland with Joe. We'd been struggling a little bit towards the end of my final semester and I was getting a bit concerned about our state of affairs. It seems silly as there are more respective spanners to our figurative works at home than there are in Edinburgh but hey, rocky patches aren't always logical! The week away really seemed to clear things up and I'm happy to say that things are back on track.

One final thing to mention, I didn't blog as much in May. You may be surprised that I see that as a positive but there we are. Things were stressful in May and I am pleased that I managed to take a step back, put things into perspective, and put my own sanity first. I'm generally pretty bad at putting myself first so I did well last month. Nobody screamed at me for not blogging, nobody told me I wasn't good enough and everyone just seemed to understand. So I guess that told me that it was only me telling me I wasn't good enough.

To conclude, the last two months have mostly been about keeping things under control and all things considered, I think I achieved that. Right now though, I'm absolutely knackered so I'll stop before I start writing gibberish!

As always, feel free to like, message or share.

Lots of Love,

Sarah xxx


I'm a 23 year old sociology graduate at the University of Edinburgh, now studying Counselling.


 I suffer with anxiety and started this blog to spread the message that you are not alone xx

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