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For the Days That Knocked the Air From Your Lungs


This one's for the ones going through hard times. Life is messy. And we all have days where something happens and the air is knocked from your lungs. The phone call telling you that a person you loved has passed away, the email from your father telling you to have a nice life signed with his Christian name for the first time, the doctor telling you you have cancer, your partner telling you they don't love you anymore, your boss firing you... and the world is suddenly very small and it's just you in it, and it's a vacuum. But you weren't taught how to breathe in a vacuum, you weren't prepared to swallow a scream, you have no idea how to do this. The air is gone.

We all have those days, every single one of us. I think they're healthy in a way because pain needs to be felt. If you're having one of those days, I want you to notice the people who gave you air back. Your mother hugs you and tells you she will always love you no matter how your father behaves, your friends rally around you and do anything to make you smile, your phone goes at 3am because your drunk best friend wanted you know that you make her soul shine and aren't chicken nuggets just the best! I want you to look around and notice how beautiful the world can be. Sunsets, crisp snow, a small child laughing whilst chasing some ducks around the duck pond, bird song, human kindness - it does exist, I promise. Whoever lets you down, whoever takes the air from your lungs, know that there's always going to be someone who puts it back.

And you know, that's how I get by. I have had people ask me how on earth I remain so positive when life has thrown a monumental amount of darkness my way but here's the thing, life does that to everyone. Whatever has happened, I have never been truly alone and if you're reading this and you feel that you are on your own, please know that you aren't. Because one day, you'll look back surrounded by those you love most in the world and you'll know it was all bearable.

Deep breaths, you will get through this. Just think, you've survived every single bad day in your life so I reckon you can survive this one too.

Lots of Love,

Sarah xxx


I'm a 23 year old sociology graduate at the University of Edinburgh, now studying Counselling.


 I suffer with anxiety and started this blog to spread the message that you are not alone xx

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