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So I'm writing this to calm myself down really. It's the Scottish Student Trampolining Open this weekend and Edinburgh are hosting. I'm not competing this year because I've decided I don't want want to compete anymore (got too panicky and it wasn't worth it) but we are having 12 people staying in our flat tonight and tomorrow night. This is necessary because it's our club's way of saying thank you to all the other Scottish clubs for hosting us at other competitions. It will be fine but as I do with all houseguests, I'm feeling a growing sense of panic and I'm not even sure why. I couldn't sleep last night and I kept having dreams about people coming to stay and there not being room, or them dancing on the ceiling (I'll be impressed if they manage to do that!)

I know it will be fine because it always is but I always feel panicked, whether it's my best friend staying, my mum, or in this case, 12 people I don't know! I think we all get like that, cleaning, worrying if they'll be alright, worrying if your stuff will be alright, panicking for the sake of panicking... the list goes on.

I think I'm also worried because we'll be on nights out and I worry about getting them all home safely. I've been told not to worry about that but I always think that if I was in a city I didn't know and I had to get myself to a flat in the early hours, I'd be a bit panicky and I don't want people to feel like that. But I guess I'm just a little overly maternal. I'll figure it out I'm sure.

Anyhow, I do have some tips for giving yourself peace of mind as a seasoned panicked host!

1. Make sure you've done all the cleaning you need to do. That way you don't feel worried that they'll be judging you (they won't be but still).

2. Make sure you've put away things that you don't want to be touched or damaged. I know this sounds paranoid but you'll just worry otherwise.

3. Keep yourself calm. Maybe watch or read something comforting. I've got 'What We Did On Our Holiday' on - great film.

4. Maybe put a few things out that your guests can use. For this afternoon, I plan to set out some snacks, some plasters, paracetamol, emergency phone numbers and tissues. Just little things like that can give both you and your guest some peace of mind that things are going to be ok.

5. Breathe. You're going to be fine! Things always feel more nerve wracking in your head than they actually are.

I'm probably panicking because I haven't got everything sorted yet but when I do, everything will be AOK. SSTO, let's be having ya!

Lots of Love,

Sarah xxx


I'm a 23 year old sociology graduate at the University of Edinburgh, now studying Counselling.


 I suffer with anxiety and started this blog to spread the message that you are not alone xx

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