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Getting This Off My Chest


This blog is a little bit different to the others because it doesn't really have a specific topic. It's really more about the blog itself.

Following my last post on my journey through therapy, I received a bit of backlash from a member of my family because I had chosen to be honest about my past. That's all I'm going to say publicly at this point but it's been an incredibly upsetting few days. This isn't the first time I've been met with hostility when I've chosen to be honest about my mental health and sometimes it really makes me wonder why I continue writing this blog, why I continue to make myself vulnerable, why I haven't given up yet. So I guess I'm writing this post to affirm to myself and to you why I'm here.

I started 'All In Your Head' just over 2 years ago because I wanted to give myself a space to talk about the mental health struggles I went through every day and also to provide comfort to others going through the same thing. In those two years, I've spoken about anxiety, eating disorders, men's mental health, suicide, dating, therapy, sport, and a plethora of other things. I've had messages from a variety of different people saying thank you, or saying that I gave them the nudge to get help. I've had this blog shared by university staff and used as a resource for their students struggling with mental health. I've been invited to university led mental health events purely because I write this. It's something I'm incredibly proud of, and the readers mean a hell of a lot to me.

I try and say this as much as I can but I really want to reiterate a massive thank you to everyone who's kept on reading, be it silently, or openly, you really are what keeps me going.

It's very hurtful when I am asked in malice to remain silent but I suppose that is an occupational hazard of having a mental illness. There is still a taboo, and to admit that your mental health is bad is still shrouded in shame. Hurtful as it is, I pledge to you, my dear readers, never to remain silent. I urge you to do the same.

I think that's all really. Things are rough right now for me but I remain proud of this blog. If you've ever thought of messaging but have always felt nervous, please do, your words of encouragement are such a joy to read.

So I'm going to sign off now for a little while but thank you so much for being here you wonderful, wonderful people.

I'm going nowhere.

Lots of Love,

Sarah xxx


I'm a 23 year old sociology graduate at the University of Edinburgh, now studying Counselling.


 I suffer with anxiety and started this blog to spread the message that you are not alone xx

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